The Bucket List is a 2007 comedy-drama film directed by Rob Reiner. The main plot follows two terminally ill men (Nicholson and Freeman) on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they "kick the bucket." Their bucket list was to witness something truly majestic, Help a complete stranger for the common good, Laugh till I cry, Drive a Shelby Mustang, Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world, Get a tattoo, Skydiving, Visit Stonehenge, Spend a week at the Louvre, See Rome, Dinner at La Chevre d'Or, See the Pyramids, Get back in touch (previously "Hunt the big cat", added after being earlier added and crossed off), To visit the Taj Mahal, India, Hong Kong, Victoria Falls, Serengeti, Ride the Great Wall of China and To Try DMT.
I wonder how many of us will sit back in our older years and say to ourselves that we had “Quite a Life”, why do we always postpone the things that are important to us? Why do we not live when we can? Why does worrying about anything and everything take precedence in our lives? Why do we wait for something to happen, to remind us of what we can not do anymore? why don’t we enjoy the same things when we can? why do we take everything in life for granted? Articulating a bucket list, a list of things we want to do before our time comes, should be a top priority for each and every one of us. Let us live life fully satisfied, let control the things within our control and not worry about things we can’t control. Let us aim to live simple lives with extraordinary dreams, let us seek to touch the stars, while still trying to leave every place a little better than we found it. Let us aim to live in comfortable homes with a care in hearts for the homeless, let us live today to make somebody’s tomorrow better. Let us all be a bit better this holiday season than what we were the last. Let us light somebody’s life with the joys that pass all understanding. Let us pray for somebody else’s problems. Let us share our joys with someone who has no joys or very little joys. Let us give someone the purpose to live this Christmas season. Let us show our thanks to people around us for being around us. Let us spend this holiday season with a song in our hearts and a dance in our footsteps. Let us make a difference however small in somebody’s life so that this holiday season is never the same for that someone.
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