Why as a civilisation do we parade our heroes, and carry them on our shoulders when they raise and jump on them when they fall? Why does the world laugh with us when we laugh, and deserts us when we cry? Why do we not partake in each other's sorrows as if it is our own?
Tiger Woods and his infidelity is his own personal business, what or who gives us the right to pass judgement on a fellow being without experiencing his experiences, understanding his circumstances, or even knowing what is actually true or not, The Bible says "hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye - Matthew 7:5, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged” Matthew 7:1. Everybody slips as it is human to error, he will face his own consequences for his actions, lets us respect his pain, as his family goes through a harrowing time, let us not encourage the vultures and fan the flames, let us give him and his family the privacy they need to pull themselves out of this crisis. Let us all stand behind their family in this hour of need, whatever be the consequences, let us respect their decisions and give the the time to heal.
To err is human, to forgive is divine, caring for each others problems and standing along your fellow human beings during their time of need is far better than applauding them when they succeed. Lets drink to our fellow beings victories and not exploit their failures. Many have taken this opportunity in Tiger Woods to claim their place in the eyes of the media and the world, if we cannot make things better lets at least not make it worse.
This is a lesson to one and all, that whatever you do in the dark will one day come to light, so lets live wearing our character on our sleeves, and keeping God in our hearts. May God be with Tiger Woods and his family during this their time of trial.